Project Photo Gallery

Spring Farm Town Centre
Combination of Concrete Precast Panel and Lightweight Concrete AAC Panel Acoustic Wall
Concrete Barrier and Acrylic Panel Noise Wall
Anzac Ave Upgrade, Rothwell
Precast Concrete Panel Noise Wall to TMR specification
Lightweight Aerated Concrete (AAC) Panel Noise Wall, plywood, colourbond sheet, and acrylic panels to prevent noise barrier overshadowing on adjacent residential properties
Lightweight Aerated Concrete (AAC) Panel Noise Wall
Spring Farm
Concrete Precast Panel Noise Barrier
Park Ridge
Composite Panel Noise Wall
Precast Concrete Noise Wall 
Airds Bradbury
Precast Concrete Panel Entry Wall
Kippa Ring Stabling Yard
Concrete Panel & Metal Spike Security Fence
Moreton Bay Rail
Precast Concrete Panel Noise Wall to TMR specification
Neutral Bay
Light Weight Concrete AAC Panel Acoustic Wall
Combination of GRC Panel, Precast Concrete Panel and Acrylic Panel Noise Barrier