Projects > Noise Walls > Anzac Ave Upgrade, Rothwell

Project: Anzac Avenue Updgrade, Rothwell

Asset Owner: Transport & Main Roads (TMR) / Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC)

Wall Type: Precast Concrete Panel Noise Wall to DTMR specification

Scope: Design and construct Noise Wall to provide noise attenuation for residents adjacent Anzac Avenue

Project Details:

  • 2 walls (102Lm and 166Lm), 2.4m high
  • Drainage slots were cast into the base of the panel, with concrete aprons at each opening
  • Construction methodology had to incorporate a safe working procedure as there are overhead power lines only 9m high, directly above the Noise Barrier. GC Civil came up with a design that utilised 2 panels stacked on top of each other, thus keeping the crane jib as low as possible and outside the 3m danger zone. The job was completed safely with NO incidents.
  • Live pedestrian footpath and bikeway adjacent work zone, which involved additional programming and safety management controls.